German words in english with diacritical marks
German words in english with diacritical marks

That is when you are trying to say the short Ä for example as an ê and you say “ êy”. Most beginners will have a difficult time pronouncing this umlaut and English speakers will have the urge to glide the umlaut into a different vowel.

german words in english with diacritical marks

If you can notice that the word has a long Ä, then you should pronounce the silent “h” even if it is not written there.

german words in english with diacritical marks

It’s difficult to differentiate between the short and long Ä, but a general rule of thumb could be that the word has a long Ä if there is a letter “h” after the umlaut. Start with the Short Ä and lengthen it + add a silent Hĭeutsch und Englisch sind sich sehr ähnlich.


So to be able to learn how to pronounce German umlauts, we have to try and approximate the sounds using existing words. That is because there are no equivalent sounds in English that sound the same as the umlauts in German. German umlauts are highly useful in the language, but for non-native speakers, they are difficult sounds to master. Instead of holding a sound too long, you will say it quicker for short umlauts, while for long umlauts, you will have to hold the sound for a bit. The difference between short and long umlauts is that the sounds you make while saying them will just differ in length. The variations are for “short” umlauts and “long umlauts” This is to distinguish between different words and it makes a difference in pronunciation.

german words in english with diacritical marks

To make matters more complicated, each of these umlauts has two variations. They are crucial in being grammatically correct and pronouncing the words right. Umlauts are characterized by the two dots on top of the letter and they are very useful for learning German. There are three German umlauts in addition to the 26 letters of the alphabet.

German words in english with diacritical marks